
Contact Darsh about any questions, comments, or requests for the event!

Department of Mathematics

The University of Texas at Arlington

411 S Nedderman Dr, PKH, 4th Floor, Arlington, TX 76019


Contact Darsh about any questions, comments, or requests for the event!



Contact Darsh about any questions, comments, or requests for the event!

Department of Mathematics

The University of Texas at Arlington

411 S Nedderman Dr, PKH, 4th Floor, Arlington, TX 76019


The Mathposium is an NSF funded, student-led conference which exposes undergrads to math research and career possibilities and creates peer-peer mentoring connections between undergrads and graduate students. During the event, students present research, mathematicians in business, industry, and government will serve on a BIG math panel, and there will be tons of fun activities and games to promote community and help forge connections. In the semester following the Mathposium, undergraduate mentees will be matched to graduate mentors to facilitate a budding peer-peer relationship. Mentor-mentee pairings (M&Ms) will meet periodically throughout the Spring 2025 semester to talk about school-work-life balance, what to do after graduating, and other questions that plague math majors. 

Over the past two years, students at UT Arlington have hosted the conference with lots of success and have reached audiences well past the North Texas math community. In 2024, with NSF support, the student organizers are targeting students at HSIs, HBCUs, and community colleges around Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, and will provide ample support for first-time conference-goers to immerse themselves in the math community. Undergrads and graduate students will present research posters and give lightning talks about any mathematical topic, whether it be an underappreciated mathematician or their favorite theorem. The students are also hosting a BIG (business, industry, and government) panel of speakers who completed math degrees and can speak on careers outside of academia. Faculty at the event will also attend a workshop about learning to mentor students for BIG careers.

A focal point of the first two iterations of the Mathposium has been forging a peer-peer mentoring network between graduate students and undergrads. Before, during, and after the event, student participants have ample opportunities to find mentors in graduate students and faculty. On the Mathposium website, we host all abstracts of every poster and lightning talk and a picture, short bio, and contact info for each presenter. This provides attendees an opportunity to find others who look like them and may have been through similar situations as them. During the event, we feature activities such as the Vertically Integrating Mentoring Pod Activity, where conference participants will divide into teams consisting of faculty, graduate students, and undergrads to solve a real-world problem; this helps gauge potential mentor-mentee pairings and creates shared experiences for each team to bond over. After the Mathposium, mentor-mentee pairs (M&Ms) meet periodically to discuss school-work-life balance, what to do after graduating, and other questions that plague math majors.

The Mathposium was first hosted in Fall 2022. Its goals are to expose undergrads and early-career grad students to math research in algebra, math ed, biomathematics, data science, and more! During the event, grad students and undergrads create and present posters about their research. The event also creates a pipeline toward peer mentorship between advanced student mentors and undergrad and first-year grad student mentees. We’ve found peer mentors are invaluable, as they have experienced many of the same situations mentees face, can share resources on reaching personal goals in math, and also serve as role models for our mentees. The Mathposium consists of two main events: a poster and a game session. We had Giant Jenga, Connect 4, and Chess and created Math Lotería as our final group activity. Throughout the Mathposium, we also giveaway gifts, such as the Daily Epsilon of Math Calendar and $25 Starbucks/Target gift cards. Over two years, the Mathposium has featured over 40 unique poster presentations, more than 200 attendees, and $5000 worth of free food and giveaways throughout the event!

Mathposium 2024 will be hosted on November 15 - 16th and welcomes students and faculty from colleges and universities around Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.  Since we are supported by the NSF, we can provide lodging for students (undergrads and graduate) from outside of the DFW metroplex.

Visit the Mathposium 2023 page to get a sample schedule, parking info, and some more information of our past event. Registration and travel funding request forms are also active and can be found on the 'Registration' and 'Travel Funding' pages of this website.
Poster Help
Below is a folder with helpful examples of math research posters, design tips, and Mathposium Beamer and PowerPoint templates:
Harassment Policy
We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing community in mathematics and beyond. At UTA, we strictly follow a policy where sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and sexual assault are completely unwelcome. Harassment or abuse in any form has never and will never be tolerated at the Mathposium. Be a positive bystander and protect yourself and other students in the community by reporting any violation of student conduct to UTA's Title IX office.

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